1.1 French and foreign filmmakers / directors of short films can participate individually or/and in groups. Minor people (under 18 years of age) at the time of registration must have the authorization of their father or mother or legal guardian, and must indicate their data in the registration form.

2.1 The theme of the short films is open and within the framework of a purely cinematographic narrative.

2.2 Short films must be original and in sign language and have French subtitles.

2.3 They must have a minimum duration of 5 minutes and a maximum of 20 minutes, including credit titles, if applicable. File formats can be MOV, MP4 or AVI. With a minimum resolution of 1080p FullHD.

2.4 Short films with a maximum duration of 30 minutes may be accepted according to validation by the organization.


2.5 Film'Ô welcomes films that are made from January 1st of 2021.

3.1 The registration fees are fully free 3.2 The registration period will begin on Saturday 3rd December 2022 on the Film'Ô festival website (https://www.festival-filmo.com) and will end on Friday 10th March 2023. 3.3 Theregistration will be complete --> with the documents you will insert in the online form on the website of the Film'Ô festival https://www.festival-filmo.com --> with the film - of which you will put the WeTransfer link on the website of the Film'Ô festival https://www.festival-filmo.com - or that you will put in a USB key to be sent by post (which will not be returned) to this address:

Illumination Studio chez Mr GONZALEZ Michel Jardins de Mogador 3 allée Olympe de Gouges 31520 Ramonville-Saint-Agne FRANCE

3.4 The registration will be considered complete, once all required requirements have been received. New registrations or changes to the filled registrations will not be accepted after Friday 10th March, 2023.
4.1. The organizations reserve the right to modify or cancel the competition at any time, in particular in the event of emergency measures adopted by the government and related to the coronavirus.
4.2. The Film'Ô team cannot be held liable for this.

5.1. If your short film is not selected by the jury, it may be screened as a non-competitor according to the organization of the programming.
5.2. It is possible to send your short film for inclusion in the screening of non-competing short films according to the organization of the programming.

6.1. The awards will be :
  • Award of the best national film : 350 €
  • Award of the best international film : 350 €
  • Award of the best director : 100 €
  • Award of the best deaf actor : 100 €
  • Award of the best deaf actress : 100 €
  • Award of the best deaf photography director : 100 €
  • Award of the best young director (under 30 ans) : 200 €
  • Award of the best film voted by the public : 200 €

6.2. The award of the best international film will be given if the team of the Festival Film'Ô receives at least two foreign short films.)
6.3. About receipting the award and the prize : - The amount for each award will be sent by bank transfer to the bank account of the person responsible for the creation of the short film - For a short film directed by a young person, the director or the person in charge of the creation of the short film must be of legal age to receive the amount sent by bank transfer. - If the director or the representative of the same short film can’t be at the award ceremony, the award amount will be reduced by 50%. The amount will be sent by bank transfer to the bank account of the person responsible for the creation of the short film.

7.1. While participating to the competition, the participant undertakes to ensure that the cinematographic work complies with all the legislation in force and more particularly: - Respects public order and is not contrary to morality. - Respects the intellectual property rights of third parties (= the one who participated to the creation of the short film) - Does not harm the reputation, privacy and image of third parties (= the one who participated to the creation of the short film). - Does not contain defamatory, aggressive or abusive disparaging language. - Does not contain content related to a manifestly commercial interest or promotional purpose, nor mentions of trademarks. - Does not have a pedophile character. - Does not contain messages or information of a partisan political, religious, pornographic, xenophobic nature or that may offend the sensibilities of minors or the greatest number. - Does not affect the security or integrity of any State or territory. - Does not incite discrimination, whether based on gender, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, age or political opinion. - Does not incite crime, hatred, violence, suicide and racism. - Does not incite the commission of a crime, misdemeanor or act of terrorism. 7.2 If the film is in one of the mentioned cases, it will be automatically disqualified from the competition. The participants have no recourse in this regard against Illumination Studio or the Festival Film'Ô, nor against the members of the jury.
8.1. The organization will cover the stay (the nights of Friday 16th and Saturday 17th June 2023) and the Friday evening meal for each selected director. Transport costs for each selected director will not be covered by the organization. 8.2. If the unavailable director is replaced by a representative, the representative will be taken care of by the organization for the two nights and the Friday evening meal.
9.1 By his participation and for the exclusive needs of the Film'Ô Festival, the author-director authorizes Film'Ô to represent his audiovisual work during the Film'Ô festival. 9.2 During the festival, the 12 selected short films will be screened at a festival venue on June 17th, 2023. They will be kept for two months and deleted on August 17th, 2023.